
Application launcher

The Connect component responsible for discovery and launch of DCC applications, relies on the ftrack event system for communication. Further resources:

ftrack Python api

The supported Python Application Programmable Interface for communicating with the ftrack workspace. Further resources:


The host counterpart interacting with the user, communicates with the host through the ftrack Event system. Clients are launched from the DCC module through an event, or invoked directly in standalone mode. A client can choose to rely on the UI module or run standalone. Example of a client is the Maya publisher panel.


The ftrack desktop application capable of launching DCC applications, publishing files and plugin management. Further resources:

Connect package

The Connect package is Connect built and packaged for a certain target platform. typically Windows, Mac OS and Linux. If supplies a default Python runtime for running a Connect as an executable, compiled using cx_freeze.


Digital Content Creation tool, e.g. Maya, 3D Studio Max, Unreal, Blender and so on. Each DCC application is defined by a host type and has an associated Framework plugin. For example the Maya plugin has the following resources:


A JSON configuration file defining Framework engine behaviour - which plugins and widgets to use. Is validated against a schema. Example of a definition is the Maya Geometry publisher. Definitions lives within the ftrack-connect-pipeline-definition plugin, resources:


A core Python module driving a specific behaviour within the Framework, for example publishing or asset management.

Event manager

A module responsible sending and receiving ftrack events, through the ftrack Python API.


A Framework is a structure that you can build software on. It serves as a foundation, so you’re not starting entirely from scratch. Frameworks are typically associated with a specific programming language and are suited to different types of tasks. The ftrack pipeline Framework is a set of modules/layers enabling asset publish, load, management and other core functionality within an DCC application or standalone. The core Framework module is called ftrack-connect-pipeline which this documentation is part of, source code to be found here:


The central part of the core Framework that discovers and executes definitions through engines, handle the context and much more. The host is designed to be able to operate in remote mode through the ftrack event system.

Host type

The host type is the actual DCC type and is used to identify a DCC module and bind a definition to the DCC application. An example host types value is maya.


JSON is a lightweight format for storing and transporting data, and stands for JavaScript Object Notation. For more information


A module designed to be discovered by the ftrack Python API. Plugins designed to be discovered by Connect is called Connect plugins and are main components of the Framework. Framework plugins resides within the definition module and are referenced from the with the definition JSON configurations.

Plugin manager

A Connect widget that allows discovery and installation of Connect plugins, resources:


A programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. Often used in creative industries. Visit the language website at


The default UI Framework utilised by the Framework, through PySide and the Python binding module. The correponding Framework module containing UI bindings is named ftrack-connect-pipeline-qt, resources:


User Interface of the Framework, built with Qt.


A JSON configuration defining the strict structure and syntax of a definition for use with an engine.